Joystick Magazine 1995 July & August
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3DS2IM.EXE - 3DS to Imagine object converter - READ.ME Document
This document describes the above mentioned program and gives
other general information.
3DS2IM converts 3DS binary object files to Imagine format for use
with Imagine modeling/animation software from Impulse, Inc.
- 3DS2IM is shareware. Please, register it if you use it on regular
basis. Registration will entitle you to a special upgrade to the
3D converter/viewer program which is currently is development. By
registering it, you will be supporting the shareware authors and
shareware concept itself, which provides inexpensive, quality
programs as an alternative to overpriced retail items.
- DOS4GW.EXE, included with this distribution, is a DOS extender. It
allows 3DS2IM to use your extended memory. Many 3DS files are very
large and contain many objects. DOS4GW overcomes the 640K limit of
DOS and lets you use all the memory for conversion.
- Imagine currently imposes a 32K limit on the number of faces, edges
vertices (32K each). Consequently, 3DS files which contain objects
with more than 32K of vertices, edges or faces will not be
converted by the shareware version. Registered version will split
large objects into several smaller ones and group them together.
- Unregistered version will convert only first 25 objects in the 3DS file.
- All the converted objects are grouped to a single axis located at
origin. To ungroup them, PICK the axis and press Alt-Y.
The registered version will:
1. Split large objects into smaller ones for use in Imagine.
2. Handle more than 25 objects.
3. List objects in 3DS file and allow you to choose which one to
4. Entitle you to free upgrades and a special upgrade to a
3D converter/viewer program currently in development.
5. Give you peace of mind. :->
To register this copy of 3DS2IM converter, print out the
REGISTER.FRM, fill it in, and send it with your check or money order
to the address on the form. The registered version will be sent to you
either by e-mail or on a disk if you desire.
My schedule tends to change a lot, so if you don't reach me by the
phone, leave a message, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Alternatively, use E-mail.
To contact me, call (402) 423-1337. If the phone number changes,
use e-mail or I will try to contact you if you have registered.
Your best chance of reaching me is on Compuserve or Internet. You
can also find the latest version of 3DS2IM converter in GUGRPA forum.
Compuserve ID: 73021,66
Internet: zmievski@herbie.unl.edu
If you have found a bug or a technical problem, don't hesitate to
contact me.
* Full support of hierarchy
* Conversion of surface properties.
* Possible support of RAW and 3DFACE DXF formats.
* Imagine to 3DS conversion (only if I get enough registrations to
buy 3DS file toolkit from Autodesk. If that happens, you can
count on full conversion to and from 3DS files including textures,
morphing, and probably animation. Please, register.)
* Integration into my 3D converter/viewer program with friendly
GUI interface and many cool features.
To run 3DS2IM you have to have both 3DS2IM.EXE and DOS4GW.EXE in
your path or current directory. 3DS2IM will *not* run withour
Usage: 3DS2IM <input>[.3ds] [output[.iob]] [/v]
<input> is the name of the 3DS file you wish to convert. If you
don't type in the .3DS extension, 3DS2IM will add it for you.
<output> is the name of the output Imagine file that 3DS2IM
creates. If you don't provide it, the name of the input file plus
extension .IOB will be used. If you don't provide an extension for
the output file, .IOB will be added to it.
/v - turns on verbose mode. In verbose mode, 3DS2IM prints out
addtional information as it processes the file. The information
includes face and vertex count for each object.
NOTE: 3DS2IM will not convert objects that are composed only of
vertices and do not have faces. These objects are
degenerate indicated by "Object has no faces" line after the
name of the object.
If you see a line that says "Object is too complex.", it means that
the objects has over 32K of vertices, edges or faces and will not be
converted by shareware version.
3DS2IM iris /v Convert iris.3ds to iris.iob in
verbose mode.
3DS2IM chevy.3ds chevy.grp Convert chevy.3ds to chevy.grp
in quiet mode.
3DS2IM converter is NOT a public domain program. It is Copyright (c) 1995
by Andrey Zmievskiy. All rights reserved.
This software and accompanying documentation are protected by
United States Copyright law and also by International Treaty
The Shareware evaluation (trial use) version is provided AS IS.
Andrey Zmievskiy makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or
implied, including without limitation, any warranties of
merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
Thank you for using 3DS2IM!